Waste Dam

Waste Dam

In addition to the mining facilities it serves, our company meticulously focuses on the construction of the waste dam in order to establish natural sustainability.

Karmak Construction, which makes the geological, hydrogeolic, topographic and climatic analysis of the site while choosing the area where the waste dam will be built, takes into account the operating costs of the dam and makes the right decision for the nature as well as the mining company.

In this way, Karmak Construction, which prevents the mining waste that is extracted and separated from the ground from being mixed with nature, establishes sustainability in every field with appropriate technological investments and R&D studies.

Our Activities

Karmak Construction & Mining

Our company, which goes beyond following the world standards in the fields of innovation with its quality structure and takes it forward, will continue its activities in order to take and protect its place at the top of the rising bar.

Underground Transport and Filling
Underground Transport and Filling

Karmak Construction carries out its activities with the awareness that transportation and filling works directly affect production capacity, cost and sustainability processes...

Atık Barajı
Waste Dam

In addition to the mining facilities it serves, our company meticulously focuses on the construction of the waste dam in order to establish natural sustainability...

Quarry and Crushing Plant
Quarry and Crushing Plant

Serving with its long years of experience in quarries, one of the strongest fields of our country's economy, which is the most important feeder....

Concrete Plant Facility
Concrete Plant Facility

Karmak Construction meticulously carries out the production and installation of dry and wet system concrete batching plants needed at all scales....
